I'm back!

I know, I've been an absentee blogger, I apologize, but work has been overwhelming and I've actually started smoking again, it helps with my nerves... plus in addition to working with eight production companies now I'm also producing a job that shoots in Mexico in late August, so my delicious baby Charles will be joining me for that one and this will be his second time traveling in Mexico. The first time I took him he was just about 3 months old and you should see his passport picture, he couldn't even sit-up yet on his own, but he looked sooo CUTE and very serious....
Anyway, to all you single moms, there is hope, you can and will eventually read a book from the beginning to the end. I just read Charles Bukowski's "Women" and I loved it! It was a great relief and escape and I almost didn't want it to finish, but all good things come to an end. I have to say that he paints the best picture of LA that I've read so far, and things haven't changed much since then that is to say on the inside and in what matters, of course John Fante is also an amazing writer and Ask the Dust comes very close to Women if not better becuase of the tragic love story. But this post/chapter is not about reviewing books, though I'd love to start including that in my Zakuski bit, but I doubt I'll have enough time now, no this is about a great article that I want to share with all you wonderful single moms who don't have time to read and believe me I know you don't, but this one is a short article that I think all parents should read and face the truth. My father bought the actual July edition of the New York magazine and gave it to me over the weekend and as I drink a large cafe latte I felt so much better about all those feelings that you have as a parent, especially single parent when you really loose your patience and temper and never voice those thoughts our of fear and being misunderstood, but mainly paranoia.
Check it out:

Another reason why I've been gone is that the wife of the biological father of my son threatened to put a restraining order on me for picking-up my son one day after seeing his dad after months of no contact and him simply not showing up, so finally I decided to drive over to the other city where he lives since he's unable to take to buses that cost $1.35 and even after giving him busfare he still complained I decided to just shuttle him over. When picking him I wanted to talk amicably about establishing two days a week for his dad to spend time with him, and his wife who supposedly is separated from him just lashed-out. So word of advice single moms, don't take these matters lightly, protect yourself and know the law and your rights. Also have a good Family Attorney available or at least know one, cause Legal Aid in California does not handle, to my shock, Child Support cases, and a friend of a friend was recently arrested and sent to jail for something she didn't even do and her 8 year old son whom she had full custody of was taken away from her by Child Protection Services and sent to he ex-husband who also hasn't paid her a cent in over 8 years. So it's no joke and in the USA especially they take extreme measures even when it is not called for. Her parents bailed her out and paid $50,000 in retainer to the lawyer who handle Robert DowneyJr's case, so you can imagine and since most of you are on a budget this is something to consider. Unfortunately, people and parents often act out on their hurt feelings and forget about the children involved which is really what should be considered in these situations.
My son loves his father and while I think he doesn't deserve the amazing sweet and adorable son that he has with me, I will never talk badly about him, no matter how mad or difficult things are at that time, what I will say is that we all have to unite and fight this crappy system, cause there are too many children out there who do not get the proper care, food, clothes and shelter they need because so many parents refuse to pay child support and get away with it. I have had to provide all the information for my son's case and it's been over two years since I filed a claim and they still can't do anything, and just recently a request to proceed with criminal review was declined by a judge and the attorney for Child Support Services even told be before she submitted the case that it would be rejected, so what hope and faith can you have in this system? I say, educate yourself and do it on your own, and advocate to change a rotten system that clearly does NOT work.
On a brighter note, my dear son, is not only running but sprinting now, I bought him a pair of fake Crocs at CVS for $5.99 and he LOVES THEM, they are wonderful for pool day at the daycare as they immediately dry-off and he is so into shoes, so he also knows how to say shoes, fish, ball, estrella- his dog's name and thank you, and only I understand the last one...
The other good resource that I wanted to share with you is the Baby Sitters exchange, I haven't tried it yet, but read about it in the New York magazine, here is the website:
I look forward to hearing comments from those who do, so far it is very popular in NY and affordable. I'm bleeding money to my son's daycare that just raised their tuition costs and had waited two years to do so apparently since the economic crisis.
Lastly, cause I'm beat, and in addition to producing this job it also involves commuting for an hour and a half each way when there is barely any traffic, I wanted to tell you single moms to be grateful for what you got. I learned today that a friend lost her baby at 9 months, this is the fourth woman I know who has lost her baby at the very end of their pregnancy and it is so sad for me to hear this, I really feel their pain and I can only imagine what a lost that must be, so no matter how upset or tired you are from dealing with your little bundle of joy, please remember that they are precious and life is fragile. 
Good night and Good Luck!


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