It's been much TOO LONG....

Dear Single Mommies all over the World!
I hope you enjoyed a well deserved Father's Day this past weekend, we must not forget to celebrate all the moments we can when we allow ourselves to love ourselves by appreciating what we do every second of everyday for our children and thus for the world. For what would the world be without Mommies? 
Anyway, I wanted to apologize to whomever reads my blog for being absent for sooo long, I just realized that my last entry/posting was last year!!!?!?! And the only excuse I have is that I've been busy, busy doing any number of things, but nonetheless did not make time at the end of my day say around 2-3AM to post some really important info that I hope will be helpful to all of you. 
My son, my love of my life my reason for living or the only reason worth living for, is now almost 4 years old YIKES!?!?! Yes, we all know how fast they grow and there is not special potion out in the market of never- ending consumerism to keep them from growing and preserve that adorable little baby face... Yes, Charles will be God Willing 4 at the end of September and he is still going through the terrible twos, terrific or terrifying threes as I like to put I'm hoping that it will subside somewhat after he turns 4, but I don't want to jinx myself, so I'll just keep wishfully thinking quietly to myself.
I wanted to talk about my vegan pastry making that I've been really into recently. It all started when we were asked to bring a dish for a potluck of some kind, say Valentine's Day at my son's daycare and as usual they would spring these things up on you say 1-2 days before their potluck where they remind you day and night to sign-up for a food item to bring. Well by the time I finally remembered to sign-up it was too late, and the only category left was for dessert and they specifically wrote: "CUPCAKES." I personally have always hated cupcakes and find that it is a very typically american tradition or dessert that I never particularly cared for, but boy have I learned to LOVE them now...As a matter of fact I would say that I have become quite an expert on picking out the best places in town for the best cupcakes and sorted it out by best flavors and types- minis vs, cupcakes on a stick- yes! like a cupcake lollipop... etc...
So having been assigned through a process of elimination, the task of doing cupcakes my first instinct was to run out to the 99cents store and my a mix, and as I had seen before in the baking aisle that they had cake mix and blueberry muffin mix and even pancake mix, I decided to just buy one there. Sure enough there was a confetti cupcake mix, that was a yellow cake with multi-colored sprinkles in shape of confetti or so it looked on the box. This luckily offset the cost of having to buy a cupcake baking sheet, as I didn't realize then that some 99cents stores sell the mini cupcake aluminum sheets for 99cents that if handled with care can be used over and over again. I ended up buying one at  CostPlus for about $13 and thought that it was way overpriced then I looked one day in Ross and Marshall's and even Home Goods as well as Target and there were none under $15?!?! thus I got a good deal I suppose... So I made that and the cupcakes came out OKay... I mean the cupcake paper was oozing canola oil that  I had sprayed on not knowing what I was doing and thinking I needed to grease the inside of the cupcake sheet, so I had to do a quick fix and try to recuperate the rest of the bottom of each cupcake and switch out the cupcake paper and you can only imagine how weird it looked, but the icing really saved the day I made it with real Philadelphia strawberry cream cheese that I also found at the 99cents store, and it was quite good, even his teachers commented on how much they loved them. I guess in the end the cupcake sheets not being stuck to the cupcakes was a good thing  since it helps to remove easily the cupcake I always have a hard time doing that part and feel like a lot of the cupcake gets stuck on the paper and is just wasted or you have to try and scrap it off with the front of your teeth and you look like a beaver munching on the last log of wood in the forest...
So here is the recipe for my Chocolate chip banana cupcakes with banana cream cheese frosting:
1.  1/2 cup of cocoa powder- Trader Joe's is the one I use made in Colombia
2. 1 cup of oat meal flower or brown rice flower- you can buy at ( cheaper than any other health food stores
3. 2 and 1/2 really ripe I men super ripe bananas.


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