Chapter 10 : Comfy Shoes you will actually wear out.

INVEST IN A GOOD PAIR OF UGGS. It’s not a snob thing or a ridiculous fashion statement thing, trust me, you will not have the time especially the first year to even think about that really, You will LIVE IN THEM. It doesn’t have to be the brand name UGGS, my girlfriend has a pair of knock-offs from Payless or Kohl’s and they do the same awesome job for a tight budget – even my stylish designs- and if you are a fulltime working Mom you will probably always be on a tight budget unless you are a Paris Hilton. In case you didn’t know your feet will get bigger after the pregnancy and they stay bigger, YUP! All those designer shoes can just say BYE-BYE. I just tried on my riding boots and even my calves have gotten bigger so, don’t stress about it or force your poor foot that carried around all that weight for nine months suffer, just get a pair of comfy easy to put on shoes, you don’t need to look ugly, just be comfy.


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