Chapter 2-Traveling Alone w/ your Infant

Chapter Two:
When you travel with your baby, try to get as much traveling done when they are as little as possible, the older they get the more difficult for long distance flights. Also for those of you who have been fortunate enough to have traveled a lot throughout your life or simply for work purposes, when you approach security and see the line for the "Experienced traveler" vs. Non-Experienced Traveler, stay way from the supposed Experience traveller, and yes unlike Up in the Air, you will more than likely not find a bunch for extremely organized Japanese Business men to follow, so my advice, just get in the less experienced line which tends to move faster at airports where they have these stupid segregation lines. I mean it should be for the handicapped/elderly& Moms traveling alone with no nanny or daddy to be found. If someone offers to help, accept it, don't be proud, my only hesitation is when you are in a foreign country where you can clearly see that poverty is apparent and in abundance in which case do not carry too many bags and make sure you keep an eye and count of them at all times.  I had my diaper bag stolen at an airport in Latin America- do not want to give names, suffice to say that when I asked security to check if it had been found in the lost and found they said they didn't have a lost and found, and of course it didn't matter to them that there was no place to buy diapers in that airport before getting on a plane nor are their pharmacies at airports in the US that sell diapers, I mean literally if your diapers are stolen you are screwed! You might as well shove a paper towel down your baby's but like when the tampon machine is busted or all out and you are at a night club and everything is closed.  I swear ever since then I carry a diaper in my hand bag, I will even figure out a way to put one in an evening purse if I remember cuase that trip was not fun.
How to pee on a plane with an infant? How to change a baby on a cross-country flight with no changing board and riding in economy. BOOH United!! direct flight from LAX to JFK, be forewarned! Ya, I asked the gay( no offense he just happened to be one of those gay men like so many of my dear friends who are simply not child friendly, sometimes not even pet friendly)  flight attendant where the changing board was and he looked at me as if I was asking where the bus stop was up in the sky, and said after I repeated the question twice, and with an attitude, there is none, we don’t have one, almost in a tone of voice that really meant to say, we don’t do dirty diapers up here in the air on this precious plane, not like you’re flying first class in all, but still we don’t do that up here,. I was shocked but more livid with anger, I had to put the changing pad on the toilet seat and decide what part of his body needed to rest on it more, I finally came to the quick conclusion, as the turbulence kicked in right as I set-out to discover what was hidden in the diaper, that his lower body needed to be on the tiny operating surface. So there my poor little 5 month old baby’s head is dangling off the nasty toilet seat and I’m rushing to try and get everything done before I drop him and the poopy diaper, which at this point I just want to throw in United Airlines CEO’s face and those rude and unpleasant flight attendants who couldn’t have been more unhelpful. I mean I’m sure I could have changed him a lot quicker and easier on my back and my son’s neck and head on there counter top in the kitchen for crying out load. But God Forbid they offer that up, it would not be SANITARY I can just hear the excuses. Anyway, it helps to have been a producer for most of your adult life, you just learn how to deal and solve, solve and MOVE-ON.


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