Chapter 19: Cooking-up a storm on Sundays
COOK FOOD on SUNDAY FOR THE WHOLE WEEK. When it comes to cook clean, work full-time and look hot for the business you work in. just pick the most important COOK, So cook up a storm at the beginning of the week and learn how to LOVE TO EAT LEFTOVERS. For people like me who have been called a food snob numerous times, just toughen up and do it, a key ingredient is COCONUT OIL for some reason, whenever you put it on dishes it makes it taste way better even on scrambled eggs.
Leave the cleaning part to someone you can pay to do it, the Laundry as well, unless you are a control freak about your baby’s laundry, I just did his laundry personally for the first few months as I wanted to make sure nothing bad happened to the clothes coming in direct contact with his precious delicate skin would hurt him, but if you don’t have the time drop it off at a laundry mat or pay a cleaning lady to do both, they do exist and if you need a referral CALL ME. I have some great recommendations fro affordable prices and trustworthy people.
The other thing I like to have handy is a few good menus for places that deliver and are quick, there is a very healthy Chinese called Dragon I order from in Culver City and then I also have Rocco’s Pizza cause it’s just like NYC style pizza and they are also quick and know how to get to my place without getting lost, plus their tomato sauce is amazing! I know it’s not good to order-in, but let me tell you, if you had a frustrating day with work and then you pick-up your son from daycare and he is ravishingly hungry, you better order-in so when you pull into your garage the delivery guy has your son’s tofu and mixed vegetables ready and he can just snuff that tofu up and then go straight to bed on a FULL tummy, while you kick back with some good and cheap Trader Joe’s vinho verde sparkling organic wine from Portugal.
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