ZAKUSKI: Sex & the City 2 vs. Back Up Plan
So, I snuck-out to see Sex & the City 2 the other day- it's been such a slooooow week for work with the long Memorial Day Weekend coming-up that I took advantage while Charles was at daycare, but got carried away- yes doing work emails that I wasn't able to see the last 15 mins cause I had to pick-up Charles in rush-our traffic and was LATE by 13 mins. Anyway, my point of all of this is that in spite of Sex & the City 2 not targeted for Single Moms I thought that it was much better therapy and more relevant that the Back Up Plan that is suppose to focus primarily on the struggles of a Single working Mom- former Wall Street financier, turned pet store owner with a thick accent from The Bronx, very difficult to believe. Also the other unbelievable part was when J-Lo shows off her perfect flat belly with NO STRETCH MARKS prior to baby in the movie and post babies- TWINS in real life. I wanted to strangle her, how dare she!!! I heard someone behind me tell his girlfriend or wife most likely: "Wow, look baby, how comes yours is not like that?" I wanted to get up and slap him across the theater and into someone's loud candy eating lap, but I just said this is going in the blog and I'm going to meet J-Lo day and ask her point blank so who did it? Who did your A-Class tummy tuck and lipo girlfriend?!?!
The best scene from Sex & the City 2 was the BAD MOMMY confession booth at the private bar in their $22,000 per night hotel suite. I wish they had taken it up a notch, but it was the most laughing I did throughout the movie, and the BEST LAUGH I had in a while, and I'm sure other single moms in the theater probably laughed and cried their eyeballs out cause at one point they drink to the Mom's who have no help, and that would be US! The other accurate part about that scene is that one LARGE or guess regular size drink for the opulence of that over the top badly production designed- worse than the Luxor in Vegas, was that in spite of only having one drink and half of another, Miranda said I think we need to eat something meaning we are already drunk, and yes! that is another SAD part about being a Mo you suck-up that alcohol faster than the sun does and you get drunk as a skunk in no time. I know my tolerance dropped substantially, at first I thought it was mother nature's way of telling me to lay-off the wine while breast-feeding, but even after I stopped, it still gets into your blood stream much faster.
The Best scene in The Back Up Plan, was when one of her former single mom group mates, is in labor at her house and having the baby in water, of course it was quite exaggerated, obviously to make it funnier and also to make sure that all the POOR MEN dragged into that movie and bribed with sexual favors or blow jobs after by their girlfriends or wives, would never have major issues fucking their wives vagina post pregnancy and delivery, but still the part I though most accurate was when she pooped, and then used J-Lo as her FOCAL POINT, I was told to have a focal point and I laughed about this prior to having my baby, but then in labor and with the pain- ladies if you haven't given birth you better think hard about that focal point and who or what it will be. Like God or Buddha or better even Mary Magdalene, but pick something go that you believe in and have faith in- cause you will need it. And I don't recommend having the mirror, I mean what's up with the mirror?!?! We see our vaginas enough and the last thing you want to investigate is your little cute flower when it is being blown-up like a volcano eruption with your bloody babies head, I mean you'll see it when it comes out and can actually see the hair. My son had a full head of hair and they keep telling me to look and see, and I was like NOOOOOOO, I don't want to see, and even if I did look, which I caught a glimpse, I couldn't distinguish shit, I mean it was just all dark and hairy.... what's the BIG DEAL!!!! It's not like a neon glow ball coming-out with a smiley face, it's just the top of your baby's head that looks like the foreskin of a penis about to get hard.
O.K. I think I've grossed you out enough, even myself....
Bottomline, is that while I was really looking forward to the Sex & the City 2 movie, it was quite disappointing, though there were so amazing dresses -like a green peacock mini sequins dress Carrie wears while shopping with Samantha for a red carpet number. But I have to say Miranda looked the best and she was HOT, not that I'm becoming a lesbian now, but she really looked better than Samantha, whom I've always been compared to more than Carrie or Charlotte, cause I know I have a little bit of all of them like we all do even though we don't care to admit, but that is what I love about the characters. And well the Back Up Plan was also not that amazing except for this poor guy really putting up with J-Lo's mood swings and finally getting her to marry him in of itself deserved an award. And the fact that he was HOT! I did like how J-Lo wasn't super thin and looked very Latina still.
The best scene from Sex & the City 2 was the BAD MOMMY confession booth at the private bar in their $22,000 per night hotel suite. I wish they had taken it up a notch, but it was the most laughing I did throughout the movie, and the BEST LAUGH I had in a while, and I'm sure other single moms in the theater probably laughed and cried their eyeballs out cause at one point they drink to the Mom's who have no help, and that would be US! The other accurate part about that scene is that one LARGE or guess regular size drink for the opulence of that over the top badly production designed- worse than the Luxor in Vegas, was that in spite of only having one drink and half of another, Miranda said I think we need to eat something meaning we are already drunk, and yes! that is another SAD part about being a Mo you suck-up that alcohol faster than the sun does and you get drunk as a skunk in no time. I know my tolerance dropped substantially, at first I thought it was mother nature's way of telling me to lay-off the wine while breast-feeding, but even after I stopped, it still gets into your blood stream much faster.
The Best scene in The Back Up Plan, was when one of her former single mom group mates, is in labor at her house and having the baby in water, of course it was quite exaggerated, obviously to make it funnier and also to make sure that all the POOR MEN dragged into that movie and bribed with sexual favors or blow jobs after by their girlfriends or wives, would never have major issues fucking their wives vagina post pregnancy and delivery, but still the part I though most accurate was when she pooped, and then used J-Lo as her FOCAL POINT, I was told to have a focal point and I laughed about this prior to having my baby, but then in labor and with the pain- ladies if you haven't given birth you better think hard about that focal point and who or what it will be. Like God or Buddha or better even Mary Magdalene, but pick something go that you believe in and have faith in- cause you will need it. And I don't recommend having the mirror, I mean what's up with the mirror?!?! We see our vaginas enough and the last thing you want to investigate is your little cute flower when it is being blown-up like a volcano eruption with your bloody babies head, I mean you'll see it when it comes out and can actually see the hair. My son had a full head of hair and they keep telling me to look and see, and I was like NOOOOOOO, I don't want to see, and even if I did look, which I caught a glimpse, I couldn't distinguish shit, I mean it was just all dark and hairy.... what's the BIG DEAL!!!! It's not like a neon glow ball coming-out with a smiley face, it's just the top of your baby's head that looks like the foreskin of a penis about to get hard.
O.K. I think I've grossed you out enough, even myself....
Bottomline, is that while I was really looking forward to the Sex & the City 2 movie, it was quite disappointing, though there were so amazing dresses -like a green peacock mini sequins dress Carrie wears while shopping with Samantha for a red carpet number. But I have to say Miranda looked the best and she was HOT, not that I'm becoming a lesbian now, but she really looked better than Samantha, whom I've always been compared to more than Carrie or Charlotte, cause I know I have a little bit of all of them like we all do even though we don't care to admit, but that is what I love about the characters. And well the Back Up Plan was also not that amazing except for this poor guy really putting up with J-Lo's mood swings and finally getting her to marry him in of itself deserved an award. And the fact that he was HOT! I did like how J-Lo wasn't super thin and looked very Latina still.
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