Chapter 14: Your baby has BIG HAIR...

I don’t know about you ladies, but my son was born with a FULL HEAD OF HAIR. All you saw when he was coming-out was his luscious black shiny hair, well combed and well gelled when he cam out. It was such a lovely sight!!! The nurses nicknamed him: Mr. Bond, YUP! As in James Bond, the younger handsome version Sean Connery in Octopussy or circa that era…Since then he has always gotten compliments on his hair, I mean not to brag, but it is absolutely true, I only wish that one of those admirers had been from Johnson & Johnson or Joico for me.... Some people have gone as far as to say that it looks like a wig, which I find mean, but now looking back at some pictures it does sit a little bit like a wig does especially when it's grown-out.
Anyway, this chapter is to tell you unless your child has my genes or is an Indian baby who normally have a lot of curly hair, you will probably skip this chapter. But for the few women out there who know what I’m talking about, stay tuned…. I probably spend more on my son’s hair cut a month than on diapers, as a matter of fact I do. When Charles was about 3 months I had to cut his hair, and if it hadn’t been because of all those crazy legends and superstitions about cutting your baby’s hair before 3 months and it will all fall-out. Don’t believe all that stuff, if your baby can’t see and is now getting eye infections, than PLEASE get him/ her to a hair dresser. I had to try a few until I found THE BEST IN LA, she is in Manhattan Beach, her name is Kathy Mcnamara, she was recommended by Laverne a lovely lady at my Church. The place is very tiny, I mean tiny, there is a Starbuck’s right next door so if you are waiting for your turn I suggest you wait outside rather than inhale the fumes of hair dye or nails, as they do do both in this TINY but super cozy place. It’s called Janie’s & Joe’s Haircuts and she charges $15 for kids. She has a large flat screen TV right infront of the mirror and an extensive library of your kids favorite movies like Finding Nemo, one of my son’s and YES I ADMIT, one of my favorites too! Or Madagascar or Cars etc… she is quick and very nice, and just like myself is from the East Coast and tells you how it is. It’s across the street from The Kettle and you can pick-up some orange zest muffins on your way.
I had tried Yellow Balloon in Westwood and the lady I saw did a thorough almost too thorough job, my son looked liked those baby dolls that has their hair painted on the scalp perfectly and symmetrically drawn. But she cut-off too much of his hair, did not listen to me, and did seem to care about my son crying and how much hair she was getting all over me, as she made me sit and put him on my lap. I almost cried when I left I was so disappointed at how much hair was just gone… I even went back a second time, they were still as unfriendly and standoffish as before and she still did not listen to my instructions. Luckily, Kathy DOES LISTEN, and just as if you are getting your own hair done, she asks you for direction before she begins and double checks that you are listening as she repeats back what you just asked her in case- as we often do, you are not paying attention- I’m guilty of this especially when I’m out and about with Charles. Kathy also DOES NOT make you sit in the chair with your son on your lap, as not only will you be irritated when you leave you will also be ITCHY as HELL, she has a bolster which is all you need if you kid can already sit-up. My son was sitting up before he was two months old. They did have some really good organic baby hair products at Yellow Balloon one for taming curls that also prevents lice and a conditioner that I use on my thick hair, and yes in case you are wondering where he gets the big hair from, it is ME mainly and of course his biological father has long curly-frizzy hair.
I also tried Floyd’s as sooo many Mom’s trying to show they were trendy, had recommended it, so I finally went to the one on Venice Blvd and Grand View, but it was a horrible experience, as the lady we got whom we were told did kid’s hair was literally afraid of cutting my son’s hair, she was not comfortable at all doing this and while I turned my back for a few seconds must have sniped him and I later realized in the evening when I went to bathe him, as he had a cut on his forehead that she had carefully hidden with his bangs. So even if I have to go every two weeks or three at the most to see Kathy and drive all the way out to Manhattan Beach, it is so worth it. And I actually really like Manhattan Beach- it’s one of my favorites! Kathy’s Tel: 310-944-4343, and NO, I’m not getting paid to recommend her, I just know what it’s like and I feel badly for first time Mom’s who don’t know where to go and whom to trust and afterall HAIR IS VERY IMPORTANT, my son loves to look a t himself in the mirror and loves his hair, especially when I comb it and now he already knows how to comb it himself.
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